Friday, November 9, 2012


I'm having a sudden inspiration this week training wise. Not that I don't always enjoy training but sometimes my interest wanes and frustration levels peak. But not that week!

Traveler was up first and his ever increasing love of his butt was put to the test with shaping a reverse leg weave. His love of flipping and twisting his butt around won over and we got the concept down in a day. Now just perfecting it, getting it smoother with more reps in between and while walking. Also working on cue discrimination and NOT throwing it at me randomly while we're walking.

Didgie on the other hand has been getting the fun stuff, Disc Dog! She's been learning along with me (I'm the much slower of the two of us). So far I'm trying to learn to throw a disc in a straight line and she's learning to catch them even when I throw them bad.

It's not a quiet feet, barking needs to happen during the whole thing and I'm still waiting for the neighbor to call out a window for use to shut up.

She's doing good though and I'm impressed! Next up is some leg weaves and learning to jump into my arms.

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